Wednesday, March 7, 2012

nang stress next week iPad3 release.... wooot wot

We could walk into a store and pick ourselves up a shiny new iPad 3 (or is it iPad HD?) next Friday, according to a report outing the iPad 3 release date.

The rumoured iPad 3 release date of March 16 was leaked to 9to5mac by a source close to the Apple Store, who confirmed that the iPad 3 / iPad HD would land in shops just nine days after being flaunted in front of the world's media.

It's also been rumoured that new Apple Stores will open in Houston, Texas and the London department store Harrod's on the same date – could this be to conveniently coincide with the iPad 3 / iPad HD becoming available?


  1. menar kah? ipaid jak ada la aku tok, tedah

  2. amboi nampak sangat alin ni ketinggalan. xtau pun ipad dah sampai ke ipad3. hu3


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