Bintulu is the fourth largest town in Sarawak, after Kuching city, Miri city and Sibu town. Its current population stands at 209,800.[8] The ethnic composition is primarily Iban, Chinese, Melanau, Kayan, Kenyah, Punan and Segaan who was the local native, and a large number of foreign workers mainly from Norway, Britain, Australia, Italy and Indonesia with a population of over 180,000 covering an area of about 12,500 square kilometers.
However the number of voters in Bintulu is still low. During last March 8, 2008 Malaysia General Election, Bintulu has only about 50,243 registered voters against its total population of more than 180,000.[9] Ibans make up the largest number of voters of 46 percent, followed by the Chinese voters (29 percent), the oddly classified Malay/Melanaus voters (22 percent) and others (which include Punan, Penan and Kayan) make up 3 percent of the voters.

The history of Bintulu stretched back to 40,000 years ago with the discovery of artifacts found in the Great Niah Caves, some 120 km to the North of Bintulu where civilization started. There were also indications of early trade carried out with ancient China.
Bintulu was once under the rule of the Brunei Sultanate. However, in 1841, Sarawak was ceded to Sir James Brooke, an English adventurer who then became the First Rajah of Sarawak. In 1861, Bintulu, which was still part of Brunei, was also ceded to the Rajah and became part of Sarawak.
Thereafter Bintulu played a very significant role in the history of democracy in Sarawak. On September 8, 1867, it became the first meeting place of the State Legislative Assembly, the Council Negeri.
The Brooke family had ruled Sarawak for about 100 years before it was occupied by the Japanese from 1941 to 1945. When Charles Vyner Brooke, the Rajah, returned to Sarawak in 1946, he took steps to hand Sarawak over to Britain. Thus in July, 1946, Sarawak became a British Crown Colony. Colonial rule lasted until July 22, 1963 and then on September 16, 1963 Sarawak joined the Federation of Malaysia.
Following the discovery of large reserves of natural gas offshore Bintulu in 1969, a feasibility study conducted in 1975 found in nearby Tanjung Kidurong a suitable site for Sarawak's first deep-water port.[7]
Realising the industrial potential in Bintulu, the Bintulu Development Authority (BDA) was established in 1978 by the State Government to undertake infrastructure development as well as to coordinate and promote industrial investment in the area.
From 1979 onwards, Bintulu has witnessed unprecedented industrial development that looks set to continue beyond the year 2000. Already, Bintulu is Sarawak's leading industrial growth centre. Bintulu is the deepest draft port in Malaysia.