Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sapa minat Adele tek ilek ilek lok..

Shuttle servis dari MPCC-MFS-CY

Safety First..

Miak P Penyuk terusuk..

Sellotape jeraya..

Kate Perry..wasehh

jerawat stress

Jerawat terjadi karena pori-pori tersumbat, sehingga minyak, sel kulit mati, dan bakteri terjebak tak bisa keluar. Akibatnya terjadi iritasi atau peradangan di area itu. Jerawat umumnya mulai muncul di usia pubertas dan bisa memburuk pada jenis kulit berminyak. Ada banyak jenis jerawat, seperti tertulis dalam Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, edisi tahun 2011.

Apapun jenis jerawatnya, Jangan dipencet. Coba atasi dengan membersihkan kulit secara seksama dua kali sehari, terutama malam menjelang tidur. Tak ada obat jerawat yang ampuh, jika kulit tidak rutin dibersihkan.

Jenis-jenis jerawat yang umum terjadi:


Ada dua macam, hitam dan putih. Komedo putih terjadi akibat pori-pori tertutup, sehingga minyak, bakteri, dan sel kulit mati terjebak. Akibatnya titik putih muncul di permukaan kulit. Komedo ini siklusnya lebih pendek ketimbang yang hitam.

Komedo hitam terjadi bila pori-pori tersumbat hanya sebagian, sehingga minyak, bakteri, dan sel kulit mati tidak lancar mengalir ke permukaan kulit. Warna hitam muncul bukan karena kotor. Itu melanin, pigmen kulit yang teroksidasi. Komedo hitam biasanya lebih lama menetap di kulit.
Muncul jerawat yang lunak, kemerahan (pink), tetapi tak ada matanya. Jangan dipencet karena akan memperparah bekasnya. Dahi dan pipi sering jadi sasaran.

Jerawat ini merupakan benjolan kecil merah meradang dan di tengahnya berisi nanah berwarna putih atau kuning. Peradangan biasanya akibat iritasi zat kimia, bukan bakteri.
Menjaga kebersihan kulit dan diet sehat cukup efektif mengatasi komedo, papula, dan pustula.

Jerawat vulgaris yang termasuk parah ini tentu lebih besar dari pustula, terasa nyeri, dan bisa sampai bulanan tak kunjung hilang. Benjolannya keras di bawah kulit, mudah kambuh. Jangan dipencet. Ini harus ditanyani dokter ahli kulit untuk mengurangi bengkak dan mencegah bekas luka, misalnya disuntik kortison.

Jerawat batu
Luka berisi nanah ini lebih besar dan lebih nyeri daripada nodul. Munculnya agak jauh di bawah kulit. Memencet jerawat ini bisa menyebabkan infeksi, peradangan lebih nyeri, dan meninggalkan bekas luka yang dalam. Suntikan kortison bisa dilakukan dokter ahli kulit untuk mengurangi bengkak dan mencegah bekas luka.

Jerawat rosacea
Ruam kemerahan ini banyak dialami usia 30 tahun ke atas. Muncul di pipi, hidung, dahi, dan dagu. Mungkin juga muncul bintikbintik jerawat, dan kulit jadi rusak. Kondisi ini harus ditangani dokter ahli kulit supaya tidak lebih parah.

Jerawat Conglobata
Ini jenis yang paling parah dari jerawat vulgaris dan lebih banyak dialami prig. Cirinya, ada banyak lesi yang Baling bersambung. Merupakan paduan antara jerawat batu, pustula, dan Bering disertai infeksi bakteri yang parah.

sikda jual d bintulu


Asian women share tips on how to catch a man and keep him happy.

For generations Asian women learned how to treat a man by following rules laid down by Thai philosopher Sunthron Phu in his book Maxims for Teaching Women. Now they’ve taken his words of wisdom that have been passsed down fro more than 2,000 years and updated them to deal with men in 2012.

Here are the winning recommendations for Western women who want to trade be successful in love and marriage:

1) YOUR MAN IS KING - Remember that your man/husband comes first – before you, your parents, your outside interests or even your children.
2) RISE EARLY. Get up in the morning before your man does. Make sure you prepare a healthy breakfast so he gets a good stare on the day. Even if you have to leave before him, make sure he has a nice breakfast waiting for him when he comes into the kitchen in the morning.
3) NEVER NAG. Never, ever. If he wants to stop off after work and have a few drinks with his buddies, that’s his business. If he forgot to take out the garbage – do it yourself.
4) BE AT HOME. Make sure you’re always at home when he gets in from a hard day at the office. Even if you are working, make sure you get home to your man/husband as soon as possible.
5) SMILE. Always greet your man with a smile on your face and, if you can, a cold drink in your hand.
6) DINNER READY. If you are home, or get home first, always have a delcious dinner ready to be served. And if he comes home feeling tense, give him a massage to ease his aches and pains.
7) LET HIM HANG WITH FRIENDS. If your man wants to have his buddies over for a night of poker, or football, or video games, don’t get mad. Encourage it and make sure you’ve got lots of sandwiches and cold beer on hand to serve them.
8) ASK FIRST. Always ask him first before you go spending his hard-earned money, or even your hard-earned money, to buy something for yourself.
9) REMOTE CONTROL. Let him choose the programs you watch onteleveision. The television is man’s domain… he should be in charge. And only Netflix/rent HIS favorite movies.
10) OBEY. Don’t do things your husband doesn’t approve of. And don’t complain about it. If he doesn’t want you wasting tyour time watching soap operas or having coffee with a neighbor, obey him. You’ll both be happier for it.
11) WILD IN BED. Be a temptress in bed. I fhe likes you in sexy lingerie, wear it. Be shy and demure when you’re out in public, but once the lights are out, let him know he’s the only man in the world who can please you.
12) KNOW SPORTS. Bone up on sports so you’ll have something to talk about. But always let him start the conversation.
13) KEEP FIT. Keep yourself in shape and always dress nicely so you’ll be a wife any husband would be proud to have.
14) CLEANING. Keep your home spic and span at all times. It should look like you’re expecting company. And the laundry should always be done. Your man should never have to look for clean socks or underwear and his shirts should all be ironed – by you.

Follow ALL these steps and you will be happy for the rest of your life!




Friday, February 17, 2012


Ependymoma is a tumor that arises from the ependyma, a tissue of the central nervous system. Usually, in pediatric cases the location is intracranial, while in adults it is spinal. (Source - Wikipedia)

same but different ..... ha ha ha

uncle kfc malaysia version.... ha ha ha

guess what?? ha ha ha


i want DUIT

yes yes yes

beeeeeeeeee ta


skill baru

Ko Mare Ke..2

relek jap..

ya nya...

ngeh ngeh ngeh..2


Palau Long Island..1

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